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Flying Stars are today certainly the most common calculation of classic Feng Shui. They are part of the San Yuan school (Three Periods) and the Xuan Kong system (Mysterious Void). The translation of flying stars into Mandarin is "Fei Xing" so the classic designation for this calculation is Xuan Kong Fei Sin. The main characteristic of the Xuan Kong system is to consider time along with direction the most important factors.

The energetic maps of the house vary according to the move in date of the house (or date of construction in some cases) and the intention or direction the building faces. It considers 9 stars with different characteristics that also vary according to the current period. There are 9 periods in total spanning 20 years each. Also, every year and month different stars "fly" to each of the eight sectors and directions of the house. That is why the favorability of each of the eight sectors and the auspiciousness of the house in general varies with time. A house or room may be favorable in a given year / month and unfavorable in another. Flying stars thus constitute a true "astrology" of the spaces we inhabit. (see below a video on this calculation).

When doing a flying star map, each sector has two main stars called a "combination" that do not change with time. We can call them the birth stars or fixed stars. The first derives from the sitting (orientation of the back of the house) and controls people, health and family life. The second derives from the facing (orientation of the front elevation) and controls aspects such as social life, wealth and prosperity. The favorability of each sector and direction depends on how these two stars interact with each other. The positive or negative aspects are activated by the external form and variable stars (year and month). The Ming Gua of the inhabitants must also be taken into account. Flying star cures have a lot of power and this system can radically change the lives for the better.

The origin of the Flying Stars is shrouded in mystery due to the power of this type of Feng Shui. Some authors trace its roots back to the Han dynasty, almost 2000 years ago. Probably the origin of the calculation goes back to the Song dynasty (1000 AD). Jiang Da Hong at the end of the Ming dynasty (1620-1714) Was the first to make an explicit reference to the Xuan Kong system. The next prominent name is the highly revered master Zhang Zhong Shan (19th century) who said that he was of the direct lineage of Jiang Da Hong and founded the Wu Chang school that practically everyone follows today.

Nowadays, Wu Chang Pai has two main lineages or lines of thought: the first is a what we designate as the written Shen Zhu Reng lineage. Shen Zhu Reng or Master Sam was the one who famously paid a fortune to Zhang Zhong Shan descendants to hold and copy the book with a record of his consultations for one day and one night. The other is an oral lineage through Tan Yang Wu who obtained the knowledge from Yang Jiu Riu, a relative of Zhang Zhong Shan. Tan Yang Wu opened the first public Feng Shui school for selected students in Shanghai in the first half of the last century (see lineage).




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