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If you need guidance or have any questions, from the simplest and most trivial to the most important, you can consult the I Ching here free of charge. Our calculator uses the card method. There are altogether sixty-four cards each with a different message for you. When you click on the “Ask” button, our website calculates the appropriate card and hexagram for your question. Ask for yourself. If you ask others, please ask authorization first. The way in which the question is asked is also important.

Here are some of the most basic rules:
1. Before clicking the "Ask" button, focus on the question
2. Have a good upright posture with feet flat on the ground
3. You can optionally do a little prior meditation
4. Be clear and concise in what you want to ask
5. Click on the button to get the card / answer from I Ching
6. After getting the answer, do not ask again until circumstances change

Ask the I Ching

Note: Entering your name is optional, but useful if you want to print the letter/response. Our website does not store any kind of data concerning your question and after the answer all data are destroyed immediately and automatically.


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