Simon is an author, teacher, and consultant with extensive experience in Feng Shui, Macrobiotic, and Face Reading. He is the author of 19 books including, Practical Feng Shui, The Feng Shui Bible, Modern Day Macrobiotics, Macrobiotics for Life, and The Secrets of Face Reading. Simon studied macrobiotics with Michio Kushi, Aveline Kushi, and Shizuko Yamamoto from 1980, as well as feng shui with Takashi Yoshikawa. Simon is the chair of the Feng Shui Society and has previously served as chair of the Macrobiotic Association. His long-term clients include British Airways, Paris Airports, and The Body Shop, with many high-profile office, airport, and retail projects. Simon conducted the first Feng Shui courses in Europe with William Spear during his tenure as the director of the East-West Centre in London.